Phuket to Hatyai Bus ticket

Between Phuket and Hat Yai we found up to 6 bus departures, including 2 night buses. The earliest departure from Phuket is at 06.00 arriving to Hat Yai at 13:00. The latest departure is at 21:30 arriving at 05:00. Prices for a one way adult ticket range from 12 US.

How Far is Phuket to Hat Yai

The distance from Hat Yai to Phuket is about 512.3 km.

Bus Company

Departure StationArrival StationTime
Sri Trang TourPhuket Bus Terminal 2 Hatyai Bus Terminal 7 h

Bus Timetable

Please check the Timetable/ Price update. from the ticket booking online.

Route NumberDeparture Station ( Phuket Bus Terminal 2 )Arrival Station ( Hatyai Bus Terminal )
1 ( Sri Trang Tour)6.0013.00
2 ( Sri Trang Tour)7.3015.00
3 ( Sri Trang Tour)10.3018.00
4 ( Sri Trang Tour)12.3020.00
5 ( Sri Trang Tour)20.0003.00
6 ( Sri Trang Tour)21.3005.00

Phuket to Hatyai Bus ticket Online

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Plan a travel trip from Hat Yai to Phuket. and reserve bus tickets 24 hours in advance.